."I`m embarrassed, but if the movie is fun and entertaining, all the better," he tells Gizmodo.mp4 autoplay: false preload: none isvideo: true smoothing: false timerrate: 250 displayState: true ExternalInterface. ********************** {wprobot.. You`re all Steve`s and I`m Gomer Fucking Pyle, man? Fuck that...
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....... stage: 320x240 file: http://stevesmovies. Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak is disputing a scene shown in a new clip from the upcoming Steve Jobs biopic that stars Ashton&
.. stage: 320x240 file: http://stevesmovies. Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak is disputing a scene shown in a new clip from the upcoming Steve Jobs biopic that stars Ashton& .(CNN) -- After months of speculation and hype, the first biopic about Apple co-founder Steve Jobs hits theaters Friday.available: true& . Anyone who has followed me for any time knows that I& .00:00.
available: true& . Anyone who has followed me for any time knows that I& .00:00..Woz says the Jobs movie isn`t all true.."I`m embarrassed, but if the movie is fun and entertaining, all the better," he tells Gizmodo.mp4 autoplay: false preload: none isvideo: true smoothing: false timerrate: 250 displayState: true ExternalInterface. ********************** {wprobot
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